1. Redefining the Social Experience

    Being in the non-alcoholic category can feel slightly reductive at times. Yes - we have non-alcoholic infusion blends, but really, our drinks are so much about the taste experience that the fact that NON is 0.0% alcohol is an added benefit. We feel we’re hard to fully categorise for that reason.
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  2. NON For Every Day

    There are moments in life which are enriched with a glass of something delicious in your hand. Non-alcoholic wine alternative, NON can help with that.

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  3. Broadsheet: Up to 3000 Litres at a Time – An Afternoon at the Factory Where Non Brews Complex, Zero-Alcohol “Wine”

    Containing ingredients such as cherries, cold-brew coffee, cinnamon, tamari and olive brine, Non’s zero-alcohol drinks are completely different fr...
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